Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Underpowered iPhone 5 Battery: A Problem That Users Are Learning To Live With

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-31 19:44:58 Categorized in iPhone 4, iPhone 5 News, iPhone 5 Opinion,

Gov. Rick Perry Urging Biotech Researchers to Commit to More Stem Cell Research

The Texas Governor is encouraging more growth in the Texas biotech and life sciences sectors by championing an increase in the often controversial stem cell research branch.

iPad Mini Following In The Footsteps of the iPod Mini

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-31 16:53:35 Categorized in iPad mini,

The Young Apprentice is back on our screens

Team Building On TV: The Young Apprentice is back on our screens -- get our team building take on the new season!

Biotech News In Texas: University of Texas Opens New Drug and Biotech Laboratory

The University of Texas at Austin reveals a new era in biotech research with new laboratory at the Dell Pediatric Center.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

“vampire electronics” can negate rechargeable battery, chargers

The environmental benefits of rechargeable batteries is undeniable. But recent reports on how “vampire electronics” — devices and cables that are left plugged in on a regular basis — can waste much more energy and money than what rechargeable batteries can save.

Start Planning Team Building Events For The New Year Now

The new year might seem quite far away. But now is the time to thinking about the team building events that will energize your team for the new year.

SOA and Corporate Perspective Integration Challenges

Read about these SOA and Corporate Perspective Integration Challenges.

3 Ways That Custom, Corporate Clothing Benefits Your Business

Likely Halloween Costumes That Need Gold Jewelry to Look Their Best

Check out these Likely Halloween Costumes That Need Gold Jewelry to Look Their Best.

South Pacific Holidays: 5 Things to Do in Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Considering a South Pacific Holidays? Read about these 5 Things to Do in Aitutaki, Cook Islands.

Fashionably Large Shoes launches its own shoe designs

Read about how Fashionably Large Shoes has launched its own shoe designs of large size shoes in Australia.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Top Jewelry Trends For This Fall

Every new season brings with it new trends, not only in clothes, but also in jewelry. While some trends hold true year after year, such as common colors, there can be many variations for the season each year. If you want to look great in jewelry this season, follow the trends set by popular fashion designers. Read on to learn the top jewelry trends for fall 2012.

Categories and Tags: The Keys To Wordpress SEO

Read about why category and tag optimization is key to effective SEO for WordPress-based blogs and websites.

Are You Addicted to Food? The Beginning Steps to Losing Weight

f you have battle weight your entire life, you have likely attempted to lose weight on many occasions – with some occasions being more successful than others. In many cases, you have lost weight and then gained it back, and in some situations you likely struggled to lose the weight at all. You already know it’s a never-ending battle, but you may have even felt that it was pointless to even try. If you have ever made the statement, “I can even look at food and gain weight,” you likely fall in this category. It’s really not just as simple as deciding you want to lose weight and doing it, though. For those who struggle with weight on a long-term basis, losing weight involves a whole lot more than simply deciding to do so. Read on to learn some tips that can help you change your mindset to ultimately reach success in weight loss.

Most Fall Events Revolve Around Food – Low Carb Alternatives

As the holiday season approaches, it seems that every gathering or event revolves around food. The season of holidays begins with Halloween, which is creeping up quickly. Although candy is known as the most common unhealthy food temptation, it is not the only one for this holiday. Restaurants (particularly fast food restaurants) capitalize on families being out late and offer a variety of affordable specials on this evening. Unfortunately, almost none of these specials are on foods of the healthy variety, and are detrimental to those on a low carb or other diet. Read on for some ideas for family fun events that don’t have to involve food.

Large Size Shoes Tip For Women: Wanna Wear Wedges?

Wanna Wear Wedges? Read about this large size shoes tip here about the perfect wedge heels for you!

The Lalati Fiji Resort Now Offering PADI Project Aware Shark Conservation Certificate

Read about how the Lalati Fiji Resort is Now Offering PADI Project Aware Shark Conservation Certificate.

Sprint's iPhone 5 Leading The Way In Call Quality: Study

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-21 17:57:32 Categorized in iPhone 5 News,

After the Office Christmas Party, what next?

The Christmas rush is a festive, exciting time that businesses can use to motivate and reward their employees with office Christmas parties. But what to do as far as events are concerned once the new year begins?

Swimwear Trends for 2013: Part 2

Check out the new Swimwear Trends for 2013: Part 2.

Why Did Apple Underestimate iPhone 5 Demand?

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-18 13:50:12 Categorized in Apple News, iPhone 5 Opinion,

Mark Zuckerburg Wears The Same Customised T-Shirt Every Day

Read about how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg Wears The Same Customised T-Shirt Every Day.

Why The iPad Mini Could Be More Successful Than The iPhone 5

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-17 14:28:54 Categorized in Apple News, iPhone 5 Opinion,

Tips for choosing the theme of your corporate event

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weighing in Is Important For Weight Loss – But When Should you Avoid the Scale?

As you likely already know, it is important to weigh yourself on a regular basis in order to maintain a steady weight loss. For some, this means weighing in daily. For others, once a week is enough to allow for adjustments when necessary without dealing with the daily weight fluctuations that will naturally show on the scale. But is there ever a time that you should completely avoid the scale? Some believe that avoiding the scale is a bad idea, and that facing any damage a mistake in diet is the best way to stay on track. However, there may be some cases where stepping on a scale can do more harm than good. Read on to learn just a few times that it might be better to forgo the regular weigh-in.

Cows Eat Candy – How Does This Affect Your Sugar-Free Diet?

With the drought this year, the cost of many types of foods has risen, with corn being one of them. Because of this, farm animal feed costs have gotten higher, which translates into higher-priced meat such as bacon. For some farmers and ranchers, however, it leads to alternative feeding methods to reduce costs. Some cows are now being fed a variety of different types of alternative feed, one of which includes candy. So how does the increased sugar intake of cows affect them? For those on a low-sugar diet, will the cow’s milk or meat be affected? Read on to find out.

Gold Jewelry Choices & Ideas For Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, and there are many different accessories that you can choose to celebrate this holiday. Whether you are interested in jewelry to show your love of the holiday itself, or you want a piece of jewelry to finish off a costume, you can easily find what you need in time for this fun holiday. Read on to learn about many options in 10k gold jewelry that are great selections for Halloween.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

4 Key Considerations For Choosing Your Restaurant's Branded Uniforms

Check out these 4 Key Considerations For Choosing Your Restaurant's Branded Uniforms.

Halloween-Themed “Thriller” Team Building Event Puts The Fright Into Team-Building Fun

Looking to theme a team building event just in time for Halloween? A “Thriller”-inspired event brings dance, dress-up, and teamwork fundamentals for a frightfully good time!

SOA and Cloud Computing – How They Work Together, Part 3: Consuming Services in the Cloud

Read about SOA and Cloud Computing – How They Work Together, Part 3: Consuming Services in the Cloud.

Three Myths About Customized Clothing For Business Growth

Check out these Three Myths About Customized Clothing For Business Growth.

Loyalty Segmentation To Grow Your Business

Read About Effective Loyalty Segmentation To Grow Your Business.

Will It Be 5S or Six For iPhone In '13?

Article by Charles Moore at 2012-10-14 06:08:17 Categorized in iPhone 5 Opinion,

Geeks Gonna Hate: iPhone 5 Sales, New Survey Both Reveal That Consumers Don't Care About The Apple Maps Flap

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-12 14:19:59 Categorized in iPhone 5 News, iPhone 5 Opinion,

Longer iPad Mini Wait Squeezing "iTV" Possibility Out Of 2012

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-11 13:02:10 Categorized in iPad 3,

Longer iPad Mini Wait Squeezing "iTV" Possibility Out Of 2012

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-11 13:02:10 Categorized in iPad 3,

Too Much Of A Good Thing: Apple Shares Blunted By iPhone 5 Supply Chain Shortages

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-10 14:34:30 Categorized in Apple News, iPhone 5 News,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

SOA and Cloud Computing – How They Work Together, Part 2: Providing Services in Cloud

Read about SOA and Cloud Computing – How They Work Together, Part 2: Providing Services in Cloud

How to Choose the Right Mobile Device For You

Check out this guide on How to Choose the Right Mobile Device For You.

Make Small Changes Over Time to Achieve Lasting Weight Loss

Read about how to Make Small Changes Over Time to Achieve Lasting Weight Loss.

http://Blog article for Monday.

Custom Clothing Creates A Unique Look That Attracts More Business

Read About How Custom Clothing Creates A Unique Look That Attracts More Business.

Think Pink Chic: Clothes and High Heels Inspired by Breast Cancer Awareness

Check out these trendy, chic clothes and High Heels Inspired by Breast Cancer Awareness.

Get the Look: Toe Cap Ballet Flats

Get the Look: Toe Cap Ballet Flats. Read all about the new tried here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Weather Provides Opportunities for Fun Exercise

If you want to become more active to aid your weight loss success, it can be difficult to get started. If fitness activities have not been a daily part of your routine, it’s not always easy to find ways to get exercise without it seeming like a chore. The cool fall weather that has finally begun to arrive in most parts of the country, however, offers many opportunities to get active and assist your weight loss efforts. Read on to learn a few great fall activities that can help burn calories.

Wear Seasonal Jewelry For Autumn

Just as spring is usually represented by light pastel colors, summer welcomes bright and vibrant colors, including blues and pinks. Once autumn begins to arrive, people adjust their wardrobes to match the season, and often adjust their jewelry choices as well. Read on to learn the colors and types of 10k gold jewelry that will work great for the autumn season.

How Bad Press And The iPhone 5 Helps GS3 Sales

Article by Michael Nace at 2012-10-03 17:11:50 Categorized in Apple News,

South Pacific Resort Focus: Eratap Beach Resort, Vanuatu

Check out this South Pacific Resort Focus: Eratap Beach Resort, Vanuatu.

Keep Warm This Winter In Customised Clothing

Read all about how warm customized clothing for winter can make a great giveaway for your company or organization.

9 ways to improve creativity at work

Creativity is a skill that is often regarded as the domain of marketing departments only. But the fact is, creative, collaborative thinking is needed in all departments of a business. Read about these 9 great ways to improve creativity at work.